Be Part of History!

Most people read history and others help make history.

Billion Soul is about the new face of Christianity, bringing the “best” in the world to the “rest,” to help the Church shorten the time needed to complete the Great Commission.

We are not funded by large endowments and organizations. Instead, we have a base of individual pastors, leaders and churches who ensure that every Christian stream is represented in achieving the cause and in sharing the rewards.  Consider investing and donating into helping Great Commission fulfillment in our lifetime.

There are several levels of giving available:

The Missionary Level:  The Apostle Paul wrote, “How will they know unless someone is sent; how will they hear unless there is a preacher.”  This monthly support enables the Billion Soul Network continue to be the global connecter of priceless  relationships worldwide.  Monthly giving of $100 per month.

The Visionary Level:  The first day in the Promise Land, Caleb said, “Give me that mountain!”  The visionary level comprises those who desire to be in the Inner Circle of the Billion Soul Network.  Monthly giving of $500 per month or at least $5000 per year.

The Revolutionary Level: Leaders are willing to both sow and go; to invest and influence and to teach and to travel the best networking pastors in the world.  Monthly giving of $500 per month, plus at least one training trip per year.

Click Here to Give Now

Or, contact Michele Buckingham at